Or I guess it should read "I have a cold!" I am sick and I feel miserable - so there!! OK, enough feeling sorry for myself - lol.
I finished one of my paintings last week before this bug knocked me down. At least I think it is finished - but I am not sure how I feel about it. Looking at it objectively, I feel it is too one dimensional, and I should have made some of the elements larger as they all seem to be about the same size. I will look at it for a while and perhaps add something later.
"Goodbye Summer"
I hope I am better by next Monday, because I start another painting course with Robert Burridge. He has been brought in from the US to teach a week long course just a few blocks from where I live - fantastic!
For those of you who are wondering about my beads, just as soon as the plastic surgeon says I can get back to the torch, I will be busy making beads. I want to wait for her OK before I subject my face to the heat of the torch.
Have a great weekend everyone!