Yes, I had such great plans for the beginning of this year. I was going to keep my Etsy shop filled, and was going to apply for another craft fair, and even carry on a little bit with my painting. Well, "life" had another idea in store. On January 17th I twisted my back (yet again)
, and have been flat in bed ever since. I even took a trip to the emergency room at our local hospital - I will write about that fiasco another time. In the end I made an appointment with my doctor, drugged myself up so I could sit in the car, and he suggested that I get an MRI.. Well, the waiting time to get one that is paid for by the BC Medical is just out of sight - probably over a year. I opted instead to pay for it myself, and I am going tomorrow to have it done - as they say "money talks". I don't like the idea of a 2-tiered medical system, but the pain is so bad this time, and it has been on and off for 14 years that I have had enough!!! Thankfully, I am in a position to be able to pay for it.
So anyway, that is my little story as to why I have been so lax in my Etsy shop, blog, Lampwork Etc., and all those other places. I have been able to keep up with events via my mini IPad, but it is just not the same.
I am hopeful that I will be able to get back to the torch in a week or two. When I am able to sit for more than 5 minutes at a time I will give it a try.
As I hate to have a blog without any pictures, I am going to look through my photo archives and find something.
Thanks for "listening"!
Can't remember if I showed you these or not - they are a new type of landscape/tree bead I developed last summer, and plan to make many more. |
This is a necklace I made up a while ago from odds, ends. orphans, some copper beads and pearls. I love the way it turned out. The bead in the middle is hollow. |
More of the landscape/tree beads. The one of the left with the multi-colour background was one of the first to go at the Labour Day craft fair at Kitty Coleman Woodland Gardens. It is one that I wish I had kept - oh well, I guess I will have to make another. |